© Karen Coulson


Karen is a self taught professional Coloured Pencil (CP) Artist painting mostly wildlife subjects, some with a “twist”!

She exhibits nationally and has won awards for her CP work including “Best Picture by a Test Valley Artist" at the Best of Hampshire Artists Exhibition at Hillier Gardens in 2011 and "Best Fantasy Picture" at the UKCPS International Annual Exhibition hosted in Birmingham in 2014.

She has had her work featured in several publications including The Encyclopedia of Coloured Pencil Techniques published by Search Press.

Karen gained her PTLLs level 4 qualification and now runs CP workshops for Hampshire County Council in Hampshire Libraries and Hillier Gardens, near Romsey and for local art groups.

She regularly runs CP workshops at The Cumberland Pencil Museum, Keswick.

She delivers courses for Nature in Art, Twigworth, Gloucester, where she is “artist in residence” each year.


Society Achievements

Signature status 2004, Silver 2007, Gold 2012