© Julia Heath

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I am a retired pensioner who took up drawing several years ago. The decision to take local classes in pastels was the best one I ever made, and I soon started to take local commissions for pet portraits. I have always loved and owned dogs so this was my main focus. After a few years having bought a job lot of art materials I found the medium of coloured pencils. A small box of Karisma pencils were included in the purchase, which I fell in love with. They blended beautifully, and I was soon expanding my collection. Sadly they are no longer made, but I have found the benefits of other brands such as Faber Castell Polychromos and Derwent Lightfast, along with several other brands. I would not like to count them all today!

In my personal life I live with my husband and dog on a remote smallholding in North Wales. We live several miles from the nearest town, and enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside. As well as dogs I find inspiration from birds and other wildlife.

I have no major awards to speak of, nor do I enter exhibitions any more. I guess my art is a lucrative hobby, and I am just so honoured that clients like my work enough to hang it on their wall. In the past I have had one or two drawings published in Coloured Pencil magazines, which I am proud of, and was once featured as artist of the month in a canine magazine.