© Sandra Ball


Hi, A life longer learner, I am quite a novice when it comes to using coloured pencils despite beginning this art journey over a decade ago following major surgery. I'm a wife, mother to two sons and grandmother in the prime of life - the baby boomer generation.

So presently, I will need to search to show any of my coloured pencil work this far, nevertheless, presently, I am concentrating on my drawing with various media, so hopefully I will be able to join in the not too distant future.

I am here to learn and hopefully, when I am able to post, to offer some encouragement and inspiration to others along the journey too. Above are the only two coloured pencil works I have painted this far. I hope to add some original soonest.

No longer on any social media, I do not do art to sell, (I'd like to be know as a painters' painter). My art is therapy to enjoy and hopefully pass on a legacy to my family. Life is busy, so art finds me in as good place along with my Christian faith.

Thanks for reading...... Sandra